You Have At Least 2 P.O.V.s Every Time; Make Them Useful

Jessica Stevanie
2 min readAug 6, 2024


Let’s try to imagine and position ourselves in a competition, and now it is the final. When one wins, one says “This is possible since my effort was rigorous”. When one fails, one says “This makes sense since (perhaps) I skipped some of my training days”.

Let’s take an example of something else. Imagine that you are going to school and you should take the school bus to be present. If one woke up in time, one would say “Good day it is! I will arrive at school the time I desire”. Conversely, if one wakes up late, one will say “Perhaps this is something good. I don’t quite fit into the first lecture anyways” (or other excuses).

What I’m saying is whatever situation it is, we always think of what it may mean to support us. We often say that it is the act of being grateful. However, I may just say that being able to think that every situation has its meaning is a mindset. Shifting P.O.V.s is mandatory.

Some people notice this and will just apply it in their intrapersonal state. But, some people forget that doing so in interpersonal matters is also important. I mostly witness bosses in big companies telling their teams to get the work done while they are somewhere else — entering the world they only know — entertaining themselves with their hobbies or such. Have they ever thought about shifting P.O.V.s?

Instead of “If I told them off with high tones, what will they think of me?”, try “If I were in their shoes what would I think if my boss told me off with high tones?”. The world is nonpermanent, it changes quickly. One time we are on top and the next we might face a big problem. Changing P.O.V. is important. To survive and to be able to live as a social creature.

All in all, we have more than 2 P.O.V.s in our minds. It can both be applied in intrapersonal and interpersonal matters. Shifting them easily can be trained by practicing and doing so in everyday life. It’s never too late to start a new behavior.

All for the better.



Jessica Stevanie

I'll put some of my thoughts here, feel free to connect with me through Instagram (@jessicastvanie) and/or LinkedIn.