Successful? Or is it just the pace?
Lately, I’ve been thinking in life. What makes a person so highly looked up to? Their dedication, specialty, uniqueness? What else?
It always comes to my mind whether any of those are true; well they are. For example, Bill Gates widely known for Microsoft (which helps us too), Oprah Winfrey for her unwavering determination and so on. But what if we dive more into the real world? Something that is close to us.

Well I’m writing this in my college years, I can summarize what I saw in the school years. Those perceive as “successful” or “extraordinary” are fast learners. In a math class, for instance, teacher praises those who can do it swiftly. In learning a language, those who can write and speak immediately (notice that both are physical activities that can be witnessed) are considered as smart. Those who do internships in their first year will be considered as professional and career oriented.
All I see is that our nature eventually drive us to adore things that we don’t have. I myself has been an admirer of people in LinkedIn as I feel like there are things they discovered that I have not yet tried. As stressful as that sounds, learning from peers that are considered as “successful” is indeed a method to ease minds (well mine, at least).
So to sum up this writing, the message I want to deliver is that perhaps fast learners have better advantage of getting respect. However, isn’t it interesting that maybe we’re merely adoring people quicker than us? I quite fancy the idea of us wanting to keep up with others. To declare existence or satisfaction perhaps!